Recent events
Palm oil and the struggle for land and citizenship in Indonesia
13 September
Welcome to a guest lecture on the conflicts between palm oil companies and rural Indonesians.
En norsk strategi for Afrika
11 September
Hva er poenget med en strategi for et kontinent med over 50 land?
Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation 2024
19 - 23 August 08:00 - 18:00
Welcome to a week of public, multi-disciplinary discussions on law and lawfare.
Leveraging AI for anti-corruption: From evidence to impact
6 June
AI offers a double-edged sword in anti-corruption efforts, uncovering hidden wrongdoing while potentially enabling new fraud and exacerbating bias. This seminar tackles these challenges, exploring how to harness AI for good in building a more transparent and accountable system.
Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation 2024
23 May
Welcome to a week of public, multi-disciplinary discussions on law and lawfare.
Comparative Perspectives on Migration Policy Impact: Insights from Ghana and Jordan
16 May 14:00 - 16:00
Sør-Afrika - 30 år etter apartheid
24 April 18:00 - 19:30
South Africa: Towards the end of the ANC era?
12 April
Welcome to a breakfast meeting on the upcoming elections in South Africa.
Gendered politics of autocratisation in Africa
21 March
How is gender used by populist politicians and autocratic leaders in Africa?
Art as Resistance: Ahmed Umar’s stories
12 March 15:00 - 16:30
Generational Shift in Indonesia?
8 February
All you need to know about the upcoming presidential elections in Indonesia.
Women, War and Revolutionary Aftermaths in Northeastern Syria
24 January 12:00 - 13:00
Cocaine chaos: Ecuador’s drug war
18 January
In just five years, drug cartels have turned Ecuador from one of the safest countries in Latin America to one of the deadliest. How could this happen?
Twice Displaced: Fleeing Syria, Fleeing Sudan
19 December 2023
Welcome to a conversation with “double-refugee” Salam Kanhoush.
PhD defence: Repressing or regulating? How African states control online activities
6 December 2023 09:15 - 14:30
Reincarnation of Military Coups in Africa
6 December 2023
What is causing the new wave of military coups in Africa?
Paradigmeskiftet i dansk asylpolitikk – og norske erfaringer
28 November 2023 19:00 - 20:30
Paradigmeskiftet i dansk asylpolitikk – og norske erfaringer
28 - 29 November 2023 19:00 - 20:30