
We study humanitarian responses to conflict and political instability, fragile states, security policies, peace efforts and international aid

Completed projects

Jan 2019 - Dec 2022

Humanitarian Diplomacy

Jan 2019 - Dec 2021


Dec 2017 - Feb 2018

[CoAR: Strategy development ]

Oct 2013 - Dec 2013

Policy Briefs Afghanistan

Cathrine Talleraas

Senior Researcher

Kjersti G. Berg

Associated researcher

Alessandro Corso

Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher

Antonio De Lauri

Research Professor

Robert Forster

Adviser (U4)

Aziz Hakimi

Affiliated Senior Researcher

Eva Johais

Post Doctoral Researcher

Are John Knudsen

Research Professor, Coordinator HUMIG research group

Heidi Mogstad

Post Doctoral Researcher

Siri Neset

Affiliated Researcher

Saumya Pandey

Guest Researcher

Jessica Schultz

Senior Researcher

Arne Strand

Senior Researcher

Astri Suhrke

Emerita Research Professor

Kari Telle

Senior Researcher

Elling N. Tjønneland

Senior Researcher

Sarah A Tobin

Research Director

Torunn Wimpelmann

Research Director

We study humanitarian responses to conflict and political instability, fragile states, security policies, peace efforts and international aid.

CMI's work on Humanitarianism is closely related to our work on Migration. We work together in inter-disciplinary teams, and we conduct academic research, commissioned work, and evaluations.

Our research and evaluation expertise:

  • Conflict and post-war reconstruction
  • Humanitarian assistance and development
  • Displacement
  • Security and protection
  • Humanitarian borders
  • Humanitarian diplomacy

The group researches in several geographical regions including the Middle East, Central and South Asia, East Africa and Europe. We also carry out evaluations of specific projects and programs designed to promote peace and integration in these locations and we conduct country/regional analysis in collaboration with international and local partners.

CMI Expertise Humanitarism