We study humanitarian responses to conflict and political instability, fragile states, security policies, peace efforts and international aid
Current projects

Sudan-Norway Academic Cooperation (SNAC)

War and Fun: Reconceptualizing Warfare and Its Experience (WARFUN)

Climate change, refugee reception and adaptation on the European borderland
Completed projects

Influx of Migrants Following Russia's Invasion of Ukraine:

Urban Displacement, Development and Donor Policies in the Middle East (URBAN3DP)

Research Network on Humanitarian Efforts

SuperCamp: Genealogies of Humanitarian Containment in the Middle East

Humanitarian Diplomacy

TRAFIG Transnational Figurations of Displacement


Hybrid paths to resistance in the Muslim world: Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and Mali

South-South/triangular cooperation in Norwegian development aid ]

BABELS - an international migration project

Third Independent Review of the Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on REDD+

[CoAR: Strategy development ]

International Norms, Local Dynamics

Protection of Civilians: From Principle to Practice

Situating (In-)Security: A United Army for a Divided Country

Financing Education in Afghanistan: Opportunities for Action

Transformations in the Arab World

Evaluation of Training for Peace in Africa

Caught between rape and adultery in Sudan

Afghanistan. Focus on women - experiences from Norwegian funded NGO projects

Party Politics in Palestine: Hamas and the Politicization of Resistance

Policy Briefs Afghanistan

The Price of Protection. Gender, Violence and Power in Afghanistan

Documentary film: Nahr el-Bared Talks Back

Peacebuilding in Sudan: Micro- Macro Issues

Gender based violence in conflict-torn Sudan

Achieving Durable Peace in Afghanistan

Evaluation of Norwegian Peace Efforts in Sri Lanka (1997 - 2009)

Forced Migrants, Human Rights and Lasting Peace

IRRINI Review - voluntary return to Iraq

Conflict and Co-existence in Lebanon

Theatre development in Afghanistan

Intra-alliance Analysis: Policies and Approaches of NATO Allies in Afghanistan

Women and Peacebuilding in Sudan

Nordic Development collaboration in Afghanistan

Violence in the post-conflict state

Hydro carbon resources in Afghanistan
We study humanitarian responses to conflict and political instability, fragile states, security policies, peace efforts and international aid.
CMI's work on Humanitarianism is closely related to our work on Migration. We work together in inter-disciplinary teams, and we conduct academic research, commissioned work, and evaluations.
Our research and evaluation expertise:
- Conflict and post-war reconstruction
- Humanitarian assistance and development
- Displacement
- Security and protection
- Humanitarian borders
- Humanitarian diplomacy
The group researches in several geographical regions including the Middle East, Central and South Asia, East Africa and Europe. We also carry out evaluations of specific projects and programs designed to promote peace and integration in these locations and we conduct country/regional analysis in collaboration with international and local partners.