Guri Rørtveit is new chair of the CMI Board
Guri Rørtveit is the new chair of the Board at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) from January 2023.
Guri Rørtveit is a specialist in family medicine, Professor and Head of Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Bergen (UiB).
“I am very much looking forward to the work as chair of the board. CMI is a professional institution that I have great respect for through my work at the University of Bergen. CMI's vision of creating a just and equal world is more important than ever. I’m excited to contribute to ensuring that the ambitions in the new strategy are followed up in the best possible way”, says Rørtveit.
Rørtveit has extensive experience from research and education as basis for global development challenges. Centre for International Health is organized under her department, and she is the Deputy director of the upcoming Centre of Excellence, BCEPS+ (Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting). She has for more than a decade been involved in projects conducting research on health issues in Ethiopia, in cooperation with researchers at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. She has also been supervisor for students in Tanzania and Ethiopia. She also has experience from the institute sector as former research leader at Uni Research Health, now part of Norce.
Guri Rørtveit succeeds Professor Gunn Mangerud, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen, who has been Chair of the CMI Board since 2018.

New external board member
Catharina Bu is appointed a new external member of the Board. Catharina Bu is the Secretary-General of The United Nations Association of Norway (UNA Norway). She has previous experience from the Norwegian think tank Tankesmien Agenda, where she led the analysis and policy development work on aid, development, and global inequality. Bu also has experience from various organisations, including Save the Children and the Fellesrådet for Afrika (Norwegian Council for Africa). She has a master's degree in development studies from SOAS in London.