Espen Barth Eide, the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, visited CMI on May 7 to discuss knowledge needs and what role CMI can play.
8 May 2024

CMI research feeding into Norwegian policy

With a focus on policy relevant knowledge, CMI is in a unique position to provide knowledge that can feed directly into Norwegian foreign policies and priorities. Espen Barth Eide, the Minister of Foreign affairs recently visited CMI to pinpoint knowledge needs and to discuss what role CMI can play as a sparring partner.

Espen Barth Eide, the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, visited CMI on 7 May 2024. He was looking to get more insights into CMI’s research and the relevance it has for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norwegian policies. There is a large degree of overlap between Norwegian government engagement and the fields and countries which CMI works in. With a focus on policy and practice, CMI can contribute with high-level research that can be put to direct use by practitioners and policymakers.

The Minister stressed the importance of research as a background for developing foreign policies, and stressed the value of the long-term involvement and long-standing relationships that CMI has with partners in the global South.


“We are very happy that the Minister of Foreign Affairs recognizes that value of research and actively seeks out policy relevant knowledge. The Minister emphasized the importance of long-term engagement in a world where the attention quickly shifts from one conflict to the next. The continuity in our research and our close collaboration with partners in the global South is an asset that makes us stand out from the others and ensures that we can offer solid contextual knowledge.”

                                                                             Espen Villanger, director at CMI.   


The meeting had a special focus on conflict and conflict areas. Barth Eide met with several CMI researchers who have broad experience working in and on for example Afghanistan and Sudan, countries that have been among the key priorities in Norwegian aid and foreign policy. CMI looks forward to continuing its excellent working relationship with the Norwegian government into the future.