Participants at CMI Tax Day 2024. CMI
10 May 2024
CMI Tax Day 2024
In collaboration with the Norwegian Tax Administration (NTA), the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and Tax Justice Norway (TJN), CMI organised a full day workshop taking stock of ongoing research on taxation and capacity building in sub-Saharan Africa. Discussing new initiatives and exploring avenues to strengthen ongoing collaboration, the event was an enlightening exploration of the latest results of the high-level research taking place on these topics.
The event included presentations on:
The Role of Trust in Tax Compliance
- What’s trust got to do with it? An introduction. Odd-Helge Fjeldstad & Ingrid Sjursen.
- Trust, enforcement and compliance: Lessons from Norway. Stian Skaalbones.
- Leveraging religious leaders to increase voluntary tax compliance. Ingrid Home Sjursen & Jasmin Vietz.
The Fiscal Social Contract
- The fiscal social contract revisited. Anna Persson, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad & Ingrid Sjursen.
- Questioning the fiscal social contract: Findings from Mali. Viljar Haavik.
- Prospects for a fiscal social contract in South Africa. Odd-Helge Fjeldstad.
Taxation and Business Development
- Leveraging the tax system to trigger economic growth. Vincent Somville.
- Planning for which future? Understanding micro-entrepreneurs' expectations in Tanzania. Adrien Dautheville.
- Taxation and business development in Zanzibar: Findings from a business survey. Samwel Nassary & Odd-Helge Fjeldstad.
International Taxation
- Towards inclusive international tax cooperation: the prospect of a UN tax convention. Andreas Fjeldskår & Kaja Guttormsgaard (TJN)