This is a short-term assignment carried out on behalf of NORAD together with prof. R.L.Smith from LINS, / Oslo and prof. H. Mosha, University of Dar es Salaam. The assignment involved technical and administrative mid-term reviews three different components, each of which was discussed in a separate progress report: - Review of Norwegian support to the education sector in Tanzania, covering Norwegian participation in preparing the National Education Sector Strategy - Review of NORAD's support to the University of Dar es Salaam which involves a broadly defined 5-year framework agreement to support infrastructure development as well as professional upgrading, research and training programmes - Review of Norwegian support to the Institute of Development Management, which involves long-term support (since the 1970's) to IDM. The latest phase suppports a restructuring of IDM activities to become more competitive and more self-sufficient in the new market-driven policies for higher education in Tanzania.