Catalina Vallejo is no longer affiliated with CMI.


Book | 2012

Plurality of Peaces in Legal Action: Analyzing Constitutional Objections to Military Service in Colombia

MA thesis. This book offers an application of the transrational model of interpretation of peace onto the area of legal studies. By building on the idea that there are various and...
Catalina Vallejo (2012)
Vienna, Berlin : Lit-Verlag (Masters of Peace vol. 7) 160 p.
CMI Brief | 2012

Iron fist politics in Colombia: A panorama of destruction

During the last decade many Latin American countries have resorted to mano dura (iron fist) politics and militarisation to combat crime, drugs and subversion. The high number of killed, injured...
Catalina Vallejo (2012)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 1) 4 p.
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2012

Neste uke starter dei kolombianske fredsforhandlingane i Oslo. Kan dei lykkast?

Camila Gianella and Catalina Vallejo (2012)
Klassekampen October 13