Jana Birke Belschner is no longer affiliated with CMI.


Journal Article | 2022

Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates

Young people are under-represented in formal politics. While this may be a mere projection of their lack among voters and party members, the article investigates whether being young is a...
Jana Belschner (2022)
in Political Research Quarterly vol. 0 no. 0 pp. 1-17
Journal Article | 2021

Hierarchies of Representation: The Re-distributive Effects of Gender and Youth Quotas

This article investigates how paired electoral quotas re-distribute parliamentary seats between majority and minority groups. Focusing on gender and youth quotas, we use the concept of Hierarchies of Representation to...
Jana Belschner and Marta Garcia de Paredes (2021)
in Representation vol. 57 no. 1 pp. 1-20
Journal Article | 2021

The Adoption of Youth Quotas After the Arab Uprisings

The adoption of electoral quotas for politically under-represented groups has become a prominent policy worldwide. An increasing number of states have adopted youth quotas, which aim to foster the election...
Jana Belschner (2021)
in Politics, Groups, and Identities vol. 9 no. 1 pp. 151-169
