Breakfast Seminar: What are the effects of EU migration policy in Jordan?
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What is the impact of the EU's external migration policies in Jordan?
Dr Zoë Jordan in conversation with Dr Cathrine Talleraas (CMI) and Dr Sarah Tobin (CMI). If you missed the seminar, you can watch it on YouTube.
In this talk, Dr Zoë Jordan gave her perspectives on how competing national and international priorities shape migration, refugee policy making, and implementation processes in Jordan.
Jordan has been widely lauded for its generous welcome of refugees. Jordan and the EU have constructed a partnership that works for them: Jordan in adept in leveraging refugee populations to secure international support and financing, while the international community pursues its externalisation and stablisation goals.
This talk analysed education and employment as two key domains that represent priority areas for the EU and Jordan. In these areas, Jordan has received substantial external support, but with substantially different partnership pathways and levels of cohesion - highlighting the diverging impacts of externalisation within Jordan. Drawing on recent fieldwork in Jordan, the talk reflected on the different domains of refugee policy and offers insights into the effects of externalisation on Jordan's migration policies.
This event is part of the Effects of Externalisation (EFFEXT) project. The event is co-hosted by IMER and Bergen Global.
Dr Zoë Jordan is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Development and Emergency Practice at Oxford Brookes University. Her research interests include forced migration, protracted and urban displacement, ethics of care and informal assistance in humanitarian contexts, and education and work in displacement. In the EFFEXT project, she examines the impact of EU migration and refugee policy in Jordan.
Dr Cathrine Talleraas is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at CMI and Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Her research focuses on the governance of migration and transnationalism. She is project leader of the EFFEXT project.
Dr Sarah Tobin is a Senior Researcher at CMI. She is an anthropologist focusing on Islam, economic anthropology, and displacement/migration in the Middle East and East Africa.