The Nordic Asylum Law Seminar 2023
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Entanglements in Refugee and Migration Law: Celebrating forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar, 23-24 May 2023
TemPro partners shared ongoing research at the 40th anniversary of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar hosted at the University of Copenhagen by the Nordic Institute for Migration & The Center of Excellence on Global Mobility Law (MOBILE). Presentation topics include:
Jessica Schultz: Cessation and the broader temporary turn in Norwegian asylum practice
Jens Vedsted-Hansen: Novelties in Danish asylum law confronting EU standards
Advisory board members:
Cathryn Costello, "Who is Recognised as a Refugee? Insights from Diverse
Disciplines into the Multiverse of Definitions and Practices"
Rebecca Stern, "Stability of Status in Sweden. Exploring Time in Asylum and Citizenship Law"
Nikolas Feith Tan ‘Transnational Asylum: Towards a Principled Framework?’

The temporary turn in Norwegian asylum law and practice