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Siri Lange, Era Shrestha and Tordis Korvald (2009). Cultural cooperation with Nepal. A mid-term review commissioned by Norad and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kathmandu. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2009: 7)

This report is a mid-term review of Norway's support to the cultural sector in Nepal. Norwegian support has focused on the following areas: theatre production, music education, institutional capacity building, and documentation of cultural heritage. The support has been organised through two projects: i) Aarohan Theatre Group in cooperation with the Nationaltheatret (National Theatre in Oslo)/gtl Mangement/Danse- og Teatersentrum, and ii) Music Nepal in cooperation with Rikskonsertene (Concerts Norway). The two projects have been allocated around NOK 15 million for the period 2004-2009.

The report shows that the success of a given project is closely related to the background of the Nepalese institution, and to what degree the projects are in line with former activities and focus or not.