Det tas oppgjør med fortiden over hele verden. Hvorfor nå?
Vedsted-Hansen, Jens
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Schultz, Jessica
Sandberg, Marie and Schultz, Jessica and Syppli Kohl, Katrine
Heidi Mogstad
Siri Gloppen and Lise Rakner
Third World Quarterly
Emma Jane Lord
Political Geography
Magnus Hatlebakk, Mohammad Atique Rahman and Bert Suykens
Journal of International Development
Irit Ittner, Sneha Sharma, Isaac Bheki Khambule, Hanna Geschewski
Sultan Barakat
International Review of the Red Cross
Reem Abbas
Adam Babekir, Lovise Aalen
Dutta, Anwesha; Leonie Bossert; Tom Crompton; Joni Seager
NPJ Biodiversity