Developing Angola's infrastructure: What is SADC's role?
How to cite this publication:
Elling N. Tjønneland (2011). Developing Angola's infrastructure: What is SADC's role? Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2011:3)
Portuguese version: Desenvolver as infra-estruturas em Angola: Qual o papel da SADC?
Infrastructure has remained a main focus for SADC in its efforts to advance
regional cooperation in Southern Africa. Development of Angola’s infrastructure
is also a key priority for the Angolan government in the reconstruction and
rebuilding of the country. Angola is a member of SADC, but what are the links
between national and regional approaches to infrastructure development?
The paper takes stock of this, summarises main polices and efforts to promote
infrastructure, identifies key projects involving Angola and highlight future
challenges. The focus of the paper is on energy, transport and water.