Book Chapter
| 2017
Capital flight, tax policy and lobbyists in Africa
in Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Sigrid Klæboe Jacobsen, Peter Ringstad and Honest Prosper Ngowi : Lifting the veil of secrecy: Perspectives on international taxation and capital flight from Africa. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute pp. 93-96
This article examines how the use of tax havens affects tax moral and lobbying, and how tax havens form elites’ and other actors’ incentives to block or promote tax reforms in African countries. A particlar focus is on the role of international accounting and consultancy firms as lobbyists in shaping tax policies.
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
Research Professor, Coordinator: Tax and Public Finance

Tanzania as a Future Petro-State: Prospects and Challenges
Jul 2014 - Dec 2019