Report in External Series
| 2016
Chasing civil society? Evaluation of Fredskorpset
The evaluation has assessed Fredskorpset's (FK Norway) approach and strategy when it comes to strengthening civil society in developing countries. This is one of FK Norway's overarching objectives and core activities, as stated in the instructions for the agency.
The evaluation has answered four main questions, in accordance with the terms of reference:
Is the current strategy and approach of FK Norway optimal when it comes to developing and strengthening the civil society in developing countries?
What is the comparative advantage of FK's strategy, approach and work compared with other Norwegian funded means for developing and strengthening of the civil society in developing countries?
What are the possible future options for FK when it comes to approach, set-up, programs and partners?
What is the added value of FK's programs for the civil society organisations, in particular those that receive other kind of Norwegian assistance?
The evaluation covers the period 2006-2015. It is based on data collected in Norway and two main case countries, Tanzania and Thailand, in addition to limited data collection in Uganda, South Africa and Cambodia.

Evaluation of the Norwegian Fredskorpset (FK Norway)
Jun 2015 - Dec 2015