How to cite this publication:

David Aled Williams (2018). The Mozambique hidden loans case: An opportunity for donors to demonstrate anti-corruption commitment. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2018:6)

When the Mozambican government issued guarantees for over 1 billion US$ - ignoring their own oversight mechanisms and lending rules - they ended up in public debt distress. Donors have stopped funding the government and those hit hardest are ordinary Mozambicans. A leaked 2017 audit report helps us reflect on prospects for justice and accountability for the loans case outside and within Mozambique. From an anti-corruption policy perspective, development partners can collaborate with ongoing UK and US investigations, consider travel and visa bans, an anti-corruption court, support victims' lawsuits, and call for an IMF debt-monitoring system review.

David Aled Williams

Principal Adviser (U4) and Senior Researcher (CMI)

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