Conference Paper / Presentation
| 2021
The Global backlash against women’s rights
Presented at: Keynote Speech delivered at Bergen Exchanges 2021
Across the world, the rights of women and sexual minorities are increasingly politicised, with new coalitions forming to push back and “gender ideology” becoming a target of various forms of lawfare. This keynote and roundtable explore how these dynamics play out across different contexts, the drivers behind them, and the implications.
Roundtable participants: Marta Machado (Professor of Law, FGV Law School, Sao Paulo); Reva Siegel (Professor of Law, Yale University); Ruth Rubio Marin;
Moderators: Malcolm Langford (Professor of Law, Univ, of Oslo and LawTransform co-director) and Lise Rakner (Professor of Political Science, UiB)

Women on the Bench: The Role of Female Judges in Fragile States
Jan 2017 - Dec 2022