How to cite this publication:

David Aled Williams (Facilitator), Saul Mullard (Facilitator) (2021). Virtual Workshop: Green Integrity - The Way Ahead in Supporting Anti-Corruption in Zambia’s Renewable Energy Sector. Online: ( 12-14.11.2021)

In conjunction with the Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka, Zambia, U4 ran a virtual workshop on the way ahead in supporting anti-corruption efforts in Zambia's renewable energy sector. Participants included U4 Partners and multilateral organizations (EU, World Bank), Sida Power Africa, Government of Zambia, Zambian private sector actors, University of Zambia, and Transparency International Zambia. The objectives were to: 

1. Review lessons and examples of measures to support anti-corruption goals in renewable energy from contexts of relevance to Zambia;

2. Take a retrospective look at past anti-corruption efforts of revelance to Zambia's renewable energy sector;

3. Review plausible interventions for "green integrity" in Zambia's renewable energy sector;

4. Facilitate partnerships to improve the feasibility of anti-corruption impacts in Zambia's renewable energy sector.

David Aled Williams

Principal Adviser (U4) and Senior Researcher (CMI)

Saul Mullard

Senior Advisor (U4)