How to cite this publication:

Saul Mullard (Facilitator), David Aled Williams (Facilitator) (2021). Virtual Workshop - Integrity and water governance in the Mekong region: consequences for local communities in Lao, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Online: ( 22-23.11.2021)

In conjunction with the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, Thailand, U4 ran a virtual webinar and workshop on the way ahead in supporting integrity in water governance in the Mekong region. Participants included U4 partners and multilateral organizations (UN), Embassy of Sweden in Thailand, Sida HQ, regional partners, research organisations, and civil society organisations and U4 partners. The objectives of the workshop were to:

1. Provide insights on the ways in which corruption impact the performance of international development cooperation in the field of water governance in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. In particular on livelihoods opportunities and rights of local communities.

2. Explore the initiatives and interventions that exist to address corruption challenges.

3. Facilitate dialogue and discussion around these themes with partners and stakeholders towards developing recommendations and pathways for improved practice.

Saul Mullard

Senior Advisor (U4)

David Aled Williams

Principal Adviser (U4) and Senior Researcher (CMI)