Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt is no longer affiliated with CMI.


CMI Report | 2010

The Politics of Women's Representation in Sudan: Debating Women's Rights in Islam from the Elites to the Grassroots

The international discourse on gender and peacebuilding presupposes a common agenda among all women across religion, ethnicity and class in any given post-conflict situation. The literature seems to express the...
Liv Tønnessen, Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2010)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 2) 46 p.
CMI Working Paper | 2006

Palestinian Women: Is there a Unitary Conception of Rights?

What are "ordinary" Palestinian women's views on women's rights? How do they perceive their own rights situation? The term "ordinary" in this respect refers to rural women outside of political...
Hilde Kjøstvedt (2006)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2006: 19) 14 p.
CMI Brief | 2011

Islamic women's organisations on the West Bank

Islamic organisations’ role in improving women’s position in society is often dismissed. Instead, they are believed to be devoted to charitable work and entrench patriarchal structures in line with traditional...
Hilde Kjøstvedt (2011)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 8) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2010

The Paradox of Representation in Sudan: Muslim Women's Diverging Agendas

The international discourse on gender and peacebuilding presupposes a common agenda among all women across religion, ethnicity and class in any given post-confl ict situation. This brief challenges this position...
Liv Tønnessen, Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2010)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 1) 4 p.
Master's Thesis | 2007

"Her Voice, Palestinian" : A Study of Women's Rights Conceptions among Ordinary Palestinian Women on the Occupied West Bank

Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2007)
Master Thesis in Social Anthropology. Bergen: The University 145 p.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2007

Family Matters: Protection of Women's Rights in Palestine

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2007)
Presented at: The Lower Jordan River Basin Programme, workshop at the Bir Zeit University, Ramallah, October 22-24
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2006

Diverging Women's Rights Conceptions in Palestine

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2006)
Presented at: The NFU Conference on Ethics, Human Rights and Development
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2005

Palestinian Women: Is there a Unitary Conception of Rights?

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2005)
Presented at: The Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Amman, June 11-16
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2011

Ungdommen på al-Manara

Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2011)
www.uriks.no 23.03.2011
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2011

Palestinsk forsoning

Etter fire år med blodig konflikt kan det se ut som om det går mot forsoning mellom Fatah og Hamas. Er det grunn til optimisme? Hvorfor skjer det nå? Hvordan...
Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2011)
Dagsavisen 03.05. 2011
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010

Mot en politistat?

Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2010)
Morgenbladet October 1
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007

Minoriteter i «muslimske land»

Det er vanskelig å lese Heitmanns kronikk som noe annet enn et overforenklet bidrag som bygger opp under fordommer om en sivilisasjonskamp mellom islam og vesten. Med dette innlegget håper...
Liv Tønnessen and Hilde Kjøstvedt (2007)
Bergens Tidende 30.06.2007
Newspaper Article | 2013

Eit pokker så stort skritt mot demokrati

Kva har skjedd med den arabiske revolusjonens fortropp? Dette er historien om tre unge som ønska forandring. I dag rår vonbrot, men på Facebook og Twitter held kampen fram.
Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2013)
Bergens Tidende 14. april 2013
Presentation/Lecture | 2010

The Politics of women's representation in Sudan: From the elites to the grasroots

Liv Tønnessen and Hilde Kjøstvedt (2010)
PRIO, Oslo March 2, 2010
Presentation/Lecture | 2008

Palestine "for Dummies"

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2008)
International Student Days, University of Bergen October 22, 2008
Presentation/Lecture | 2008

Historical Outline of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2008)
Tertnes Videregående Skole, Bergen May 15, 2008
Presentation/Lecture | 2008

Relations Between the Middle East and Europe - a Historical Perspective

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2008)
The Wergeland Conference, Eidsvoll June 3, 2008
Presentation/Lecture | 2008

Election Observation in Sudan - Possible Challenges

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2008)
Sudan Elections 2009 - a seminar organised by the Norwegian Support Group for Peace in Sudan June 13, 2008
Presentation/Lecture | 2007

Ethnicity in the Balkans

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2007)
Mottaks- og kompetansesenteret for integrering av innvandrere og flyktninger i Bergen kommune (MOKS)
Presentation/Lecture | 2007

Gender in the Middle East

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2007)
The Bachelor programme in Middle Eastern Studies, University of Bergen October 4, 2007
Presentation/Lecture | 2006

Anthropological Fieldwork in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2006)
Nordhordland Folkehøgskule
Presentation/Lecture | 2005

The Hebron Peace Agreement 1994-2005

Hilde Kjøstvedt (2005)
Palestinakomitéen i Bergen


Politics of Faith

Jan 2006 - Dec 2016

Gendering Faith

Mar 2011 - Dec 2013