Opening: Centre on Law and Social Transformation
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The Centre on Law & Social Transformation aims to be a dynamo for interdisciplinary research on the potential and limits of law as an instrument of social change: stimulating research in Bergen; fostering a dynamic academic environment for socio-legal studies in Norway; and serving as the hub of a virtual global centre. The Centre is a joint initiative by the Chr. Michelsen Institute and the University of Bergen (Comparative Politics), but with participating researchers from across the academic institutions in Bergen as well as Global Fellows.
12:15: Light lunch & mingling
13:00: Opening of the Centre on Law & Social Transformation
Siri Gloppen: Introducing the Centre
14:00: Daniel M. Brinks: Studying Law & Social Transformation
15:00: Nils Christie: Den vakre straffen (in Norwegian)
Daniel M. Brinks teaches Comparative Politics and Public Law at the University of Texas at Austin and co-directs the Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice. His research examines the role of the law and courts with particular focus on Latin America and publications include: Courting Social Justice: The Judicial Enforcement of Social and Economic Rights in the Developing World (co-edited with Varun Gauri), and The Judicial Response to Police Violence in Latin America: Inequality and the Rule of Law. Read more about Daniel M. Brinks
Nils Christie is professor emeritus at the University of Oslo. Nils Christie is not only a leading international scholar, whose 15 books are translated into numerous languages, but for decades also a central voice in public discourse on crime and punishment. In 2001 he was awarded the Fritt Ord Freedom of Expression Prize for his contributions to the Norwegian and international social debate. Few – if any – in Norway have thought equally long and hard on the social effects of law. Read more about Nils Christie.
There will be a workshop on Studying Courts and Legal Mobilization: Quantitative Approaches 20-21 August.If you are interested in participating, please contact Director Siri Gloppen.

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