The conferance is organized by organized by the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus in China, the University of Westminster’s Africa Media Centre, and Rhodes University’s School of Journalism and Media Studies.

China has increased dramatically its economic engagement with Africa. At the same time, it has been promoting its soft power on the continent. As important platforms for the promotion of soft power, large investments are being poured into the official media organizations to improve their reporting and broadcasting, including greatly increased and increasing media presence, exchange programmes and training for African journalists, and providing infrastructural and technical support to the media sector in Africa.

The symposium shall address the following topics:

China in Africa as a particular point of focus in media debates

Types of media controversies around China’s involvement in Africa

Soft power by China and ‘going out’ via the media

The representation of China´s involvement in African media

The perceptions of journalists and editors of China´s soft power strategy and the implications of these developments for the liberal democracy model of journalism and media systems in Africa

The effectiveness of China’s soft power media push in Africa

The impact of China’s soft power offensive on journalism in African countries

China’s influence on the balance of power in Africa’s media sector

The Africa media publics’ perspectives of China’s media involvement

China’s model for utilizing the media as a soft power tool in Africa

Implications of China’s media relations for the existing western liberal democracy model

Implications of China’s media push for the global media world order

