Ukrainian refugees seeking refuge in Moldova. Photo: UN Women
21 Mar 2022

Perspectives on the war in Ukraine: Refugees and beyond

Almost 3.4 million refugees (as of March 19) have fled Ukraine after Russia invaded the country on February 24. An unknown number of people are internally displaced. What responses will European countries produce in terms of refugee protection and border policies? To what extent and how will this impact refugees fleeing from other conflicts in the Middle East and Africa? What does the response to refugees from Ukraine tell us about protection in situations of ‘mass influx’, and what lessons can we learn from past experiences and other regions?


CMI does research on several topics that are relevant to and can answer important questions regarding the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and beyond. Here is a list of researchers and topics for journalists and others who need information:


Jessica Schultz, senior researcher specialising in international human rights and refugee law.

Hva skjer hvis flyktningene ikke kan reise hjem raskt?

Collective protection as a short-term solution: European responses to the protection needs of refugees from the war in Ukraine


Antonio De Lauri, research professor focusing on war, humanitarianism, and humanitarian diplomacy.

Militarisation, racism and Russophobia: What the war in Ukraine produces and reveals

The Idea of a Clean and Efficient War Is a Dangerous Lie


Are John Knudsen, research professor working on forced migration, camp-based and urban refugees in the Middle East

Refugees in camps – better avoided?

Urban refugees –is settling in cities the solution?

Lebanon’s “no-camp policy” – why did Lebanon avoid camps and with what consequences?


Antonio De Lauri

Research Director and Research Professor

Are John Knudsen

Research Professor, Coordinator HUMIG research group