Heidi Mogstad
Irit Ittner, Sneha Sharma, Isaac Bheki Khambule, Hanna Geschewski
Hanna Geschewski
Contested Airport Land: Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
Sneha Sharma, Irit Ittner, Isaac Bheki Khambule, Sara Mingorría, Hanna Geschewski
Johais, Eva and Meis, Mareike
Critical Studies on Security
Samah Khalaf Allah
Stephen R Boucher, Michael R Carter, Jon Einar Flatnes, Travis J Lybbert, Jonathan G Malacarne, Paswel P Mareyna, Laura A Paul
The Economic Journal
Habab Idriss Ahmed
Michaël Tatham: Pauline Lemaire
British Politics
Kjersti G. Berg
Journal of Refugee Studies, Special Issue "Camp histories. New Studies of Palestinian Migrations"
Liv Tønnessen and Samia al-Nagar
Politics & Gender
Astrid Norén-Nilsson