| 2013
The Pastoral Fulbe in the Sudan Funj Region. A study of the interaction between State and Society
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
This book is about the political ecology of pastoralism in Sudan and one of the few ethnographic studies of the Fulbe (Fulani) since D.J. Stenning's seminal work "Savannah Nomads" in 1959. The author who himself belongs to the Fulbe, describes how patterns of mobility have been changing, mainly due to war and the expansion of mechanized agriculture and riverside gardens. In order to adapt to such changes, the Fulbe engage in politics at different levels, including with the regime in Khartoum. Elhadi Ibrahim Osman's analysis of a changing pastoral way of life among the Fulbe deserves a wide circulation, also among development workers and policy makers.

Peacebuilding in Sudan: Micro- Macro Issues
Sep 2005 - Dec 2012