Photo: Jennifer Carole

How to cite this publication:

Sibale, Juliet; Mapila, Rex; Tostensen, Arne (2014). “A prison cell has no specific capacity”: An Evaluation on the Project “Improving Living Conditions and Access to Justice for Women, Young Offenders and Vulnerable Men in Prisons and Police Establishments in the Central, Eastern, Southern and part of the Northern Region of Malawi. : ( )

This is a commissioned evaluation report of a project implemented over three years by the Centre for Legal Assistance (CELA) in Malawi. It centred on the improvement of prison conditions for women, children and vulnerable men throughout prisons and police stations in the country. The evaluation concluded that CELA had performed very well and recommended that the project be continued. However, a caveat was inserted that it is not sustanaible for a civil society organisation to run such projects, the objectives of which resting firmly on the Malawian state as the primary duty-bearer in terms of the international conventions Malawi has signed.