Arne Tostensen
Completed projects

SIDA-Evaluation of SIDA's bilateral research cooperation

UiO-NCHR Mid-term review of international department ]

[EBA: In pursuit of per diem ]

Analysis of the Political Economy of Malawi

The Political Economy of Governance in Malawi

CICERO/UD: Climate Services for Adaptation in Africa

Mid-term review of two human rights organisations in Tanzania

Evaluation of project on prison conditions in Malawi

East African Community Energy Review

The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform (COST Action IS 0702)

Review of donor support for anti-corruption initiatives in Malawi

Allowances and Per Diems in Sub-Saharan Africa

Synthesis Study of International Experiences with Support to Legislatures

Joint Evaluation of Norwegian and Swedish Aid in Support of Child Rights

Electoral Mismanagement and Post-Election Violence in Kenya

Evaluation of Finnish Development Research 1998-2007

Mid-term review of Bunda College of Agriculture, Malawi

Research and Institutional Development Links between CMI and SEAPREN

The 2007 Kenyan General Elections in Context

Developmental Democracy: A Concept Paper

Appraisal of Norwegian Support to the EAC Partnership Fund

The Bretton Woods Institutions and the PRSPs: Comparative African Perspectives

Political instiutions in Africa: Zambia, Malawi and Uganda compared

The institutional context of the 2004 general elections in Malawi

Regional Dimensions of Norwegian Country Programmes

Comparative Study of Kenyan Constitutions

Bridging Research and Development Co-operation

Review of the Norwegian Development Fund Portfolio in Ethiopia

Towards a Feasible Social Security System in Kenya

Bridging Research and Policy

Fast-tracking East African integration

Evaluation of Norwegian Support to Bunda College of Agriculture, Malawi

Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Challenges for Norwegian Development Aid

Election observation as informal enforcement of political rights

Official Development Assistance for Human Settlements

Evaluation of the Danish Association for International Cooperation (MS)

The participatory aspects of poverty reduction strategies in Malawi and Zambia

Oscillatory labour migration in Kenya

Evaluation of Danida's assistance supporting human rights and democratisation

Election monitoring: Kenya
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Sociologist currently focusing on governance and human rights research.
Sociologist currently focusing on governance, human rights and climate change research.
Tostensen's professional profile and research interests include labour migration (Kenya); regional integration in Eastern and Southern Africa (EAC and SADC); poverty and institutional analysis; research policy; the research-policy nexus; governance and democratisation; human rights; development assistance; and urbanisation (Africa). In recent years Tostensen has conducted research on political institutions, especially parliaments, in Malawi and Uganda, as well as on adaptation to climate change.
He has published and co-edited several anthologies in the field of human rights, poverty and urbanisation. Tostensen has also published extensively on East African politics, often with a focus on parliaments and executive-parliamentary relations.
Tostensen has more than 40 years of experience in research and consultancy work, principally in Eastern and Southern Africa. He has acted as team leader of many consultancies with international participation and whose clients include European aid agencies and the UN. Between 1988 and 1994 he served as CMI's director. Tostensen has broad evaluation experience regarding aid interventions, including in the governance realm. Recently he has become involved in research on child rights and adaptation to climate change.