John-Andrew McNeish is no longer affiliated with CMI.

Journal Article | 2013
Extraction, Protest and Indigeneity in Bolivia: The TIPNIS Effect
In September 2011 Bolivian police raided an encampment of several hundred indigenous people gathered to protest the government’s plan to build a road through their lands. The violence of this...
John-Andrew McNeish (2013)
in Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies vol. 8 no. 2 pp. 221-242

Journal Article | 2010
Sobre maldiciones y demonios: Hydrocarburos y soberania en un tarija autonoma
Resumen: En el presente artículo sostengo que los bloqueos recientes de Tarija proporcionan importantes señales de los vínculos existentes entre las políticas autonómicas y las políticas de recursos naturales dentro...
John-Andrew McNeish (2010)
in Umbrales no. 20

Journal Article | 2010
Sobre Maldiciones y demonios: Hidrocarburos y soberania
John-Andrew McNeish (2010)
in UMBRALES vol. 20 pp. 189-222

Journal Article | 2009
The ugly poetics of violence in post-accord Guatemala
With the signing of the Peace Accords in 1996 Guatemala's credentials of democratic governance was re-established, but as media reports and the international community have observed, the killing and crimes...
John-Andrew McNeish and Oscar Lopez Rivera (2009)
in Forum for Development Studies. The Nordic Journal of Development Research vol. 36 no. 1 pp. 49-77

Journal Article | 2008
Beyond the Permitted Indian? Bolivia and Guatemala in an Age of Neoliberal Developmentalism
This paper outlines and discusses the contrasting histories of inclusion and contestation associated with the introduction of neoliberal and multicultural policies in Bolivia and Guatemala. In drawing out and discussing...
John-Andrew McNeish (2008)
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies vol. 3 no. 1 March 2008 pp 33-59

Journal Article | 2006
Fighting for Prosperity: Reflections on the Crisis and Politics of Poverty in Bolivia
John-Andrew McNeish (2006)
in Iberoamericana. Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies vol. 36 no.2

Journal Article | 2006
Stones on the Road: the Politics of Participation and the Generation of Crisis in Bolivia
This paper demonstrates that recent protests in Bolivia must be linked to the failure of efforts to improve democratic participation in the country. It argues that such failures can be...
John-Andrew McNeish (2006)
Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 25 no. 2

Journal Article | 2006
The Millions Return: Democracy in Bolivia at the Start of the 21st Century
Lazar, S & McNeish, J (2006)
in Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 25 no. 2

Journal Article | 2002
Globalisation and the Reinvention of Andean Tradition: The Politics of Community and Ethnicity in Highland Bolivia
Travelling and working beyond the boundaries of their traditional communities, rural populations in the Andean Highlands have never really fitted with earlier categorizations of peasants as easily definable, harmonious and...
John McNeish (2002)
in Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 29 no. 3/4

Edited Book | 2015
Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America
In the global North the commoditization of creativity and knowledge under the banner of a creative economy is being posed as the post-industrial answer to dependency on labour and natural...
John-Andrew McNeish, Axel Borchgrevink, Owen Logan (2015)
Zed Books 324 p.

Edited Book | 2014
Justicia de Género y pluralidades legales: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas y Afrikanas
Este volumen explora las relaciones entre las pluralidades legales y la justicia e injusticia de género. Se propone ir más allá de los debates en torno a los contextos de...
Rachel Sieder y John-Andrew McNeish (2014)
Mexico City: Publicaciones de la Casa Chata 292 p.

Edited Book | 2013
Gender justice and legal pluralities. Latin American and African perspectives
Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities: Latin American and African Perspectives examines the relationship between legal pluralities and the prospects for greater gender justice in developing countries. Rather than asking whether...
Rachel Sieder and John-Andrew McNeish (2013)
New York: Routledge-Cavendish

Edited Book | 2012
Flammable societies. Studies on the socio-economics of oil and gas
The impact of the oil and gas industry – paradoxically seen both as a blessing and a curse on socio-economic development – is a question at the heart of the...
John Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan (2012)
London, Pluto Press 370 p.

Edited Book | 2010
Security and Development
Since 9/11 ideas of security have focused in part on the development of ungovernable spaces. Important debates are now being had over the nature, impacts, and outcomes of the numerous...
John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie (2010)
N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn Books (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis, vol. 11) 166 p.

Edited Book | 2006
From Where Life Flows: The Local Knowledge and Politics of Water in the Andes
This book aims to offer a closer look at local flexible strategies for securing water resources under demandong climatic conditions and during environmental changes. The research dealt with here aims...
Frode F. Jacobsen and John-Andrew McNeish (editors) (2006)
Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press 151 p.

Edited Book | 2006
Pueblos Indígenas y Pobreza. Enfoques Multidisciplinarios
En los más diversos contextos geográficos existen múltiples factores que configuran un patrón que vincula de manera compleja a pueblos indígenas y pobreza. Las comunidades indígenas no tienen las mismas...
Alberto D. Cimadamore, Robyn Eversole and John-Andrew McNeish (editors) (2006)
Buenos Aires: CLACSO 352 p.

Edited Book | 2005
Indigenous Peoples & Poverty. An International Perspective
by Robyn Eversole, John-Andrew McNeish and Alberto D. Cimadamore (Eds.) (2005)
London/N.Y: Zed Books (CROP International Studies in Poverty Research) 311 p.

Book Chapter | 2015
The Devil Never Left: Indigeneity and Protest in Morales’ Bolivia
John-Andrew McNeish (2015)
in Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jo Saglie, Ann Sullivan: Indigenous Politics: Institutions, Representation, Mobilisation. ECPR Press pp. 277-300

Book Chapter | 2015
Introduction: Recovering power from energy - reconsidering the linkages between energy and development
John-Andrew McNeish, Axel Borchgrevink (2015)
in John-Andrew McNeish, Axel Borchgrevink, Owen Logan: Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books pp. 1-39

Book Chapter | 2015
Latin America Transformed?
John-Andrew McNeish (2015)
in John-Andrew McNeish, Axel Borchgrevink, Owen Logan: Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books pp. 254-290

Book Chapter | 2015
From the King's Peace to Transition Society
Owan Logan, John-Andrew McNeish (2015)
in John-Andrew McNeish, Axel Borchgrevink, Owen Logan: Contested Powers: The Politics of Energy and Development in Latin America. Zed Books pp. 291-312

Book Chapter | 2013
An accumulated rage: Legal pluralism and gender justice in Bolivia
John-Andrew McNeish and Ana Cecilia Arteaga Börth (2013)
in Rachel Sieder and John-Andrew McNeish, eds.: Oxford: Routledge pp. 200-223

Book Chapter | 2012
Introduction. Rethinking responsibility and governance in resource extraction
Owen Logan and John-Andrew McNeish (2012)
in John-Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan, eds.: Flammable societies. Studies on the socio-economics of oil and gas. London: Pluto Press pp. 1-46

Book Chapter | 2012
On curses and devils: Resource wealth and sovereignty in an autonomous Tarija, Bolivia
John-Andrew McNeish (2012)
in John-Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan, eds.: Flammable societies. Studies on the socio-economicsof oil and gas. London: Pluto Press pp. 47-69

Book Chapter | 2012
Conclusion: All other things do not remain equal
John-Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan (2012)
in John-Andrew McNeish and Owen Logan, eds.: Flammable societies. Studies on the socio-economics of oil and gas. London: Pluto Press pp. 335-351

Book Chapter | 2012
The multiple forms of violence in post-war Guatemala
John-Andrew McNeish and Oscar Lopez Rivera (2012)
in Astri Suhrke and Mats Berdal, eds.: The peace in between. Post-war violence and peacebuilding. London/N.Y.: Routledge pp. 289-306

Book Chapter | 2010
Introduction: a security-development nexus?
John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie (2010)
in John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie, eds.: Security and development. N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn pp.1-18

Book Chapter | 2010
Securing resources through exceptional means in the Americas
John-Andrew McNeish (2010)
in John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie, eds.: Security and development. N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn pp.68-83

Book Chapter | 2008
Constitutionalism in an Insurgent State: Rethinking Legal Empowerment of the Poor in a Divided Bolivia
With the world record in coup d'états[i] and a modern history of revolution and repeated uprisings it can also too easy to dismiss Bolivia not only as a recent state...
John-Andrew McNeish (2008)
in Dan Banik: Rights and Legal Empowerment in Eradicating Poverty . Ashgate

Book Chapter | 2006
Pobreza y Pueblos Indígenas. Una Introducción a los Enfoques Multidisciplinarios
Alberto D. Cimadamore, Robyn Eversole y John-Andrew McNeish (2006)
in Alberto D. Cimadamore, Robyn Eversole y John-Andrew McNeish, editors: Pueblos Indígenas y Pobreza. Enfoques Multidisciplinarios. Buenos Aires: CLACSO pp. 17-37

Book Chapter | 2006
Local Water Management Strategies in the Andes and Beyond
John-Andrew McNeish (2006)
in Jacobsen, F & McNeish, J.A: From Where Life Flows: The Local Knowledge and Politics of Water in the Andes. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press pp. 7-40

Book Chapter | 2006
Pobreza, Politica e "Passes de Magica" na Bolivia e na America Latina
John-Andrew McNeish (2006)
in Alberto Cimadamore, Harley Dean and Jorge Siqueira, eds.: A Probreza do Estado. Reconsiderano o Papel do Estado na Luta Contra a Probreza Global. Buenos Aires: CLACSO pp. 255-278

Book Chapter | 2006
Introduction Part II: Bolivia: The Politics of Water
John-Andrew McNeish (2006)
in Frode F. Jacobsen and John-Andrew McNeish, eds.: From Where Life Flows: The Local Knowledge and Politics of Water in the Andes. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press pp. 87-90

Book Chapter | 2005
Luchando para la Prosperidad: Reflexiones sobre el crisis y la politica de pobreza en Bolivia
John-Andrew McNeish (2005)
in Lopez-Rivera, O: La Pobreza: Un Problema de Todos.. Guatemala: FLACSO Guatemala pp. 87-118

Book Chapter | 2005
Poverty, Policy and "Sleight of Hand" in Bolivia and Latin America
McNeish, J (2005)
in Cimadamore, A, Dean, H y Siqueira, J: Poverty of the State: Reconsidering the Role of the State in the Struggle against Global Poverty. Buenos Aires: CLACSO Publications

Book Chapter | 2005
Luchando para la Prosperidad: Reflexiones sobre el crisis y la politica de pobreza en Bolivia
McNeish, J (2005)
in Alvarez, S : Trabajo y la Produccion de Pobreza.. Buenos Aires: CLACSO Publications

Book Chapter | 2005
Luchando para la Prosperidad: Reflexiones sobre el crisis y la politica de pobreza en Bolivia
McNeish, J (2005)
in Lopez-Rivera, O: La Pobreza: Un Problema de Todos. Memoria del Seminario Internacional Agosto 2004. Guatemala City: FLACSO Guatemala

Book Chapter | 2005
Introduction: Indigenous Peoples and Poverty
John-Andrew McNeish and Robyn Eversole (2005)
in Robyn Eversole, John-Andrew McNeish and Alberto D. Cimadamore (Eds.): Indigenous Peoples & Poverty: An International Perspective. Lond./N.Y.: Zed Books pp. 1-26

Book Chapter | 2005
Overview - The Right to Self-Determination
John-Andrew McNeish and Robyn Eversole (2005)
in Robyn Eversole, John-Andrew McNeish and Alberto D. Cimadamore (Eds.): Indigenous Peoples & Poverty: An International Perspective. London/N.Y.: Zed Books pp. 97-107

Book Chapter | 2005
Overview: Indigenous Peoples' Perspectives on Poverty and Development
John-Andrew McNeish (2005)
in Robyn Eversole, John-Andrew McNeish and Alberto D. Cimadamore (Eds.): Indigenous Peoples & Poverty: An International Perspective. Lond./N.Y.: Zed Books pp. 229-238

Book Chapter | 2005
Conclusions: Poverty, Peoples and the Meaning of Change
John-Andrew McNeish and Robyn Eversole (2005)
in Robyn Eversole, John-Andrew McNeish and Alberto D. Cimadamore (Eds.): Indigenous Peoples & Poverty: An International Perspective. Lond./N.Y.: Zed Books pp. 290-294

Book Chapter | 2002
Globalisation and the Reinvention of Andean Tradition: The Politics of Community and Ethnicity in Highland Bolivia
McNeish, J (2002)
in Brass, T: Latin American Peasants. London & Portland Or: Frank Cass Publishers

Report in External Series | 2012
Real-time evaluation of Norway's international climate and forest initiative. Lessons learned from support to civil society organisations
Elling Tjønneland, Kari Telle, John Andrew McNeish m.fl. (2012)
Oslo: Norad (Norad Evaluation Report no. 5) 148 p.

Report in External Series | 2011
Real-time evaluation of Norway's international climate and forest initiative. Contributions to National REDD+ Processes 2007-2010. Country report: Brazil
John-Andrew McNeish (2011)
Oslo: Norad (Evaluation Report 13/2010) 83 p.

Report in External Series | 2010
Rethinking natural resource conflicts
In this thematic paper I will reconsider the connections between natural resources and conflict. Aimed at producing a state of the art review of the research on the connections between...
John-Andrew McNeish (2010)
in World Development Report 2011: Input Paper

Report in External Series | 2009
Joint review of IWGIA's framework agreements with Danida and Norad
Sammen med Danida, gjennomførte Norad i 2008 en gjennomgang av IWGIAs organisasjon og virksomhet som grunnlag for vurdering av videre samarbeid med organisasjonen. Om IWGIAIWGIA er en av de viktigste internasjonale...
M. Enghoff; A. Jørgensen; J.A. McNeish; A.B. Jørgensen; T. Arnegaard (2009)
Oslo: Norad (Norad Report Review no. 10/2009) 26 p.

CMI Report | 2008
Evaluation: Norwegian Student and Academics' International Assistance Fund's (SAIH) Cooperation with the Bolivian Unidades Academicas Campesinas Peasant Academic Units (UACs)
The evaluation concludes that the cooperation with SAIH has strengthened the UACs as higher education institutions with particular focus on indigenous peoples. The evaluation underlines that a range of improvements...
John-Andrew McNeish, Ana Cecilia Arteaga Böhrt (2008)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2008: 7) 39 p.

CMI Report | 2008
Evaluación: Cooperación del Fondo de Asistencia Internacional de los Estudiantes y Académicos Noruegos (SAIH) con las Unidades Académicas Campesinas (UACs), Bolivia
Respondiendo a los términos de referencia elaborados por SAIH para este estudio, las preguntas principales incluidas es esta evaluación son: ¿En qué medida la cooperación de SAIH fortaleció las UACs...
Dr John-Andrew McNeish, Ana Cecilia Arteaga Böhrt (2008)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2008: 8) 42 p.

CMI Report | 2007
Review of Bistandsnemda's (Norwegian Missions in Development) Work with Indigenous Peoples
Spanish version
As part of Norway's efforts to strengthen its cooperation with indigenous peoples a set of Guidelines were published by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2004. The Guidelines...
Axel Borchgrevink and John-Andrew McNeish (2007)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2007: 15) 33 p.

CMI Working Paper | 2015
Striking a New Balance? Exploring Civil-Military Relations in Colombia in a Time of Hope
Colombia appears to be fast approaching an agreement on a set of peace accords ending an armed conflict that has lasted over 55 years. In this CMI Working paper, we...
John-Andrew McNeish , Gabriel Rojas Andrade , Catalina Vallejo (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2015:5) 37 p.

CMI Insight | 2015
A Hawk in Dove’s Feathers: Colombian Civil-Military Relations Under Santos
Colombian president Juan Manual Santos has claimed a new approach to security politics in the violence-ridden South American nation. This Insight reviews Santos’ approach to civil military relations, and suggests...
John-Andrew McNeish (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Insight 2015 no. 1) 8 p.

Doctoral Thesis | 2001
Pueblo Chico, Infierno Grande: Globalisation and the Politics of Participation in Highland Bolivia
McNeish's PhD thesis concerns the social, political and economic impacts of Administrative Decentralisation and Popular Participation reforms in Highland Bolivia
McNeish, J (2001)
London: University of London

Popular Dissemination | 2011
Flammable Societies: Studies in the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas
John-Andrew McNeish (2011)

Journal Article | 2011
Tracks through the forest: Bolivia and the TIPNIS conflict
John-Andrew McNeish, Cecilie Von Hirsch (2011)
in NorLARNet; Norwegian Latin-American Research Network

Book Review | 2007
Review of Nancy Postero´s "Now We Are Citizens: Indigenous Politics in Post-multicultural Bolivia"
McNeish, J.A (2007)
in Journal of Latin American Studies vol. November 39 no. 4

Newspaper Op-Ed | 2011
Den lange marsjen - Bolivias urfolks kamp for sine territorier
John-Andrew McNeish, Cecilie Karina Von Hirsch (2011)
Klassekampen 07.10.2011

Presentation/Lecture | 2015
Panel Debate: Civil-military relations in Latin America and the Middle East. What will the future bring?
Panel debate. Civil-military relations in Latin America and the Middle East. What will the future bring? John McNeish (NMBU), Elin Skaar (CMI), Kjetil Selvik (CMI), Kristina Mani (Oberlin), Sverre Johan...
Gunnar M. Sørbø,Elin Skaar,John-Andrew McNeish,Kjetil Selvik (2015)
Everyday Maneuvers closing conference 30 September, 2015

Presentation/Lecture | 2011
An Indian in the burnt palace: Natural resource extraction and competing natures in Bolivia
John-Andrew McNeish (2011)

Presentation/Lecture | 2011
Conflicting Developmentalities in Bolivia and Beyond
John-Andrew McNeish (2011)

Presentation/Lecture | 2011
Participating in extraction: Indigenous peoples and the ambiguities of resource extraction in Latin America
John-Andrew McNeish (2011)

Presentation/Lecture | 2010
National Resource Contestation and Conflicting Sovereignties
John-Andrew McNeish (2010)

Presentation/Lecture | 2009
The Adventure Continues Abroad - Norway's role as an oil superpower
John McNeish and Ivar Kolstad (2009)
Debate, Chr. Michelsen Institute 14 October 2009

Contested Powers: Towards a Political Anthropology of Energy in Latin America
May 2010 - May 2013

Women and law in Latin America: Justice, Security and Legal Pluralism
Dec 2009 - Dec 2012

Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative
Aug 2011 - Sep 2012

Poverty Reduction and Gender Justice in Contexts of Complex Legal Pluralism
Jan 2009 - Dec 2011

Flammable Societies
Jan 2008 - Dec 2010

Joint Evaluation of Norwegian and Swedish Aid in Support of Child Rights
Feb 2010 - Dec 2010

Contested Powers: The Politics and Anthropology of Energy
Aug 2009 - Dec 2009