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Aslak Orre (2009). Kalandula and the CACS. Voice or accountability. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2009: 5)

This report presents some of the findings from field work carried out in October-November 2008 in Kalandula, Malanje province, on the fresh experiences with the new Concelhos de Auscultação e Concertação Social. It also discusses the findings in light of policy statements and international experiences with similar institutions. The research on the Kalandula CACS is part of a wider research project involving the collaboration between the Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), ADRA and Chr. Michelsen Institute. The findings and thoughts in this document are preliminary results, and are meant to stimulate debate in workshops and ongoing research for comparative experiences in other provinces. The research design was developed with Nelson Pestana (CEIC) and Idaci Ferreira (ADRA), who will carry out research on the CACS in Uíge and Benguela respectively, based on the same research design. Final report to be released in early 2010.