World Bank

Ottar Mæstad

Research Professor / Special Adviser, Director Development Learning Lab

Angola has very high health expenditures per capita by African standards. According to the World Bank, the public expenditure on health is around 70 USD per capita. This is substantially more than the target of 30-40 USD per capita, recommended by the Commission of Macroeconomics and Health as the level needed in order to provide essential health services to the whole population. In comparison, the public spending on health in a country like Tanzania is less than 10 USD per capita. At the same time, health indicators in Angola are extremely poor. Both child mortality and maternal mortality rates are among the highest in Africa.

This project will scrutinize the management of public expenditures on health in Angola. Are the people of Angola getting value for money in terms of availability of essential health services? Who are benefiting from the health budgets? And what is the scope for a more efficient and more equitable spending on health in Angola?


  1. Map the availability of health services in Angola, by geographical location and by income strata.
  2. Compare the actual availability of health services with international standards for what Angola should be able to provide within its current budget.
  3. Identify inefficiencies and inequalities in the management of public resources for health
  4. Strengthen the advocacy for a more efficient and equitable health system in Angola


See also: