CEIC - CMI Cooperation Programme

Angolan infrastructure in a regional perspective

Health, Poverty and Public Expenditure

Participation, representation and taxation in local governance in Angola
Annual CEIC/CMI seminar
Acquisition, Project Control and Financial Management

Short courses: Social Science Methodology

Micro credit for Sustainable Development in Angola

Comparative Corporate Strategies

Macro Model for Angola

Angola: Effects of 1992 elections

Political Parties in Angola
ICT capacity
Augmenting teaching resources at UCAN

Cooperation on improvement of IT system at CEIC

Good Governance in Angola: Parliamentary Accountability and Control
Angola has been called the most important country for Norway in Africa. Huge business interests around the petroleum sector are combined with the traditional Nordic concern for poverty alleviation and fair distribution of national resources. Angola recently emerged from a decades long war situation and the immense tasks of re-building institutional, social and economic infrastructure will remain important for many years to come.
The institutional co-operation programme between the Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC) of the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN) and the Chr. Michelsen institute in Norway is mainly financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the three-year period 2008 to 2010. On the Norwegian side the programme director is senior researcher Aslak Orre and the programme coordinator is Steinar Hegre. On the Angolan side the programme director is CEIC director Alves da Rocha and programme coordinator is Salim Valimamade.
The programme is based on a number of research projects, plus appurtenant activities like administrative capacity building, strengthening UCAN's teaching capacity, and internationalisation. The overall objective is to contribute to policy analysis in order to avoid a ‘resource curse' situation in Angola, and to strengthen the foundation of knowledge relevant to Norwegian - Angolan cooperation now and in the future.