Jan Isaksen
Completed projects

Tanzania as a Future Petro-State: Prospects and Challenges

Extending the CEIC-CMI Macro model for Angola

African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)

The Basics of Integrity in Procurement. A Guidebook

Budget system and Public expenditure

CEIC - CMI Cooperation Programme

Macro Model for Angola

Tanzania: Macroeconomic modelling (MACMOD)

Review of Project proposal on Vocational Training

Appraisal of NPA Mine Action Programme proposal in Angola

Evaluation of the World Bank's Support for Public Sector Reform

Research and Institutional Development Links between CMI and SEAPREN

The Political Economy of the Angolan Budget Process

Evaluation of Norway's Power Related Assistance

Budget Process and Transparency in Angola

Review of MEFMI

Baseline study for rural electrification in three locations in Mozambique

Mid-term review of the programme of Norwegian People's Aid in Angola

Poverty Analysis in Mozambique

Review of Scandinavian Assistance to the statistical bureau in Mozambique (INE)

Cabo Delgado Balcao Unico

Mainstreaming Mine Action

Social Development and Investment. The Cases of Botswana and Malaysia

Brief Review of progress in SADC restructuring

Assessing the impact of transport and energy infrastructure on poverty reduction

Socio-economic effects of HIV/AIDS in African countries

Regional integration in SADC
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Books and Anthologies
Book Chapters
CMI Reports
Newspaper Op-Eds
CMI Emeritus, economist focusing on poverty, development and public finance.
Economist focusing on poverty, development and public finance.
Isaksen's background in econometrics, macro-economics, macro economic and public finance management, trade statistics, statistical development and industrial sector research serves as a strong foundation for his work in the area of policy analysis. Current research interests are policy analysis for development, including macro-economics, macro modelling and institutional aspects of macro-economic management, as well as public finance and taxation, poverty analysis, development aid issues, regional co-operation and institutional development /capacity building. His geographical concentration is on Southern and Eastern Africa but also includes Eastern Europe and Asia.
Isaksen is an economist with 52 years experience in research, research management, policy advice and public sector technical assistance. His experience includes operational work as an international civil servant in the Norwegian foreign service and as United Nations HQ staff (UNIDO), in-country advisory positions, consultancies with UN and the World Bank as well as other international organisations. On the consultancy side, his particular skills lie in conceptualising, funding and running policy research projects, serving as Team leader/project director.
Isaksen has played a key role in setting up two well known research institutes in the Southern African region (BIDPA in Botswana and NEPRU in Namibia) and served as their first co-ordinator/director. He is since January 2014 an Emeritus at the Chr. Michelsen Institute