Research Staff
Hilde Selbervik
U4 Director
Completed projects

Mar 2006 - May 2006
Comparison between the Mkukuta and the Election manifesto of CCM/Tanzania

Apr 2005 - Dec 2005
PRSP and Parliaments

Jan 2005 - Jun 2005
Understanding Patterns of Accountability in Tanzania

Jan 2003 - Dec 2003
Assessment of multilateral organisations performance

Jan 1998 - Apr 2003
Power of the Purse? Norway as a donor in the conditionality epoch 1980-2000

Jan 1997 - Dec 1997
Aid as a tool for the promotion of human rights and democracy
Contemporary historian with research interests in developing aid, human rights, economic and political reforms, conditionality and international negotiations.
Contemporary historian with research interests in developing aid, human rights, economic and political reforms, conditionality and international negotiations.
Geographically, Selbervik's work has focused on eastern Africa. She has done several consultancies for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has experience in research, consultancy, and conference organising. Selbervik has recently completed a PhD on developing aid and conditionality and aid negotiation processes.