Ingrid Samset is no longer affiliated with CMI.
Journal Article | 2011
Building a repressive peace: The case of post-genocide Rwanda
Ingrid Samset (2011)
in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding vol. 5 no. 3 pp. 265-283
Journal Article | 2007
What's in a Figure? Estimating Recurrence of Civil War
It is often said that a country that has experienced civil war has nearly a 50 per cent risk of sliding back into war within five years. This has been...
Astri Suhrke and Ingrid Samset (2007)
in International Peacekeeping vol. 14 no. 2 pp. 195-203
Journal Article | 2004
Whose Mission? Limits and Potentials of the SLMM
The article gives an assessment of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, primarily of the mission's limits and potentials with regards to human rights monitoring and enforcement. The SLMM is a...
Ingrid Samset (2004)
in Lines vol. 3 no. August 7 p.
Journal Article | 2002
Conflict of Interests or Interests in Conflict? Diamonds & War in the DRC
The article explores how the exploitation of mineral resources such as diamonds contributed to prolonging the armed conflict that broke out in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998. It...
Ingrid Samset (2002)
in Review of African Political Economy vol. 29 no. 93/94 pp. 463-480
Book Chapter | 2012
Sexual violence: The case of eastern Congo
Ingrid Samset (2012)
in Astri Suhrke and Mats Berdal, eds.: The peace in between. Post-war violence and peacebuilding. London/N.Y.: Routledge pp. 229-247
Book Chapter | 2009
Foreign aid to transitional justice: The cases of Rwanda and Guatemala, 1995-2005
Although transitional justice (TJ) has been an area of significant donor engagement for more than a decade, little is known about the scope, trends, and experiences of that engagement. This...
Stina S. Petersen, Ingrid Samset, and Vibeke Wang (2009)
in Kai Ambos, Judith Large, and Marieke Wierda (Eds.): Building a future on peace and justice: Studies in transitional justice, conflict resolution and development. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp 439-467
Book Chapter | 2006
An outline of key political, economic and social developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2003-2006 (in Norwegian).
Ingrid Samset (2006)
in Fellesrådets Afrikaårbok 2007. Oslo: Solidaritet forlag pp. 258-260
Book Chapter | 2002
Central Africa
This is a profile of the Central African region, published in the 2002-2003 yearbook of the Norwegian Council for Africa (in Norwegian). The article focuses on the war in the...
Ingrid Samset (2002)
in Fellesrådets Afrikaårbok 2002-2003. Oslo: Solidaritet Forlag pp. 256-259
Book Chapter | 2000
This is a country profile of the Democratic Republic of Congo, published in the 2000-2001 yearbook of the Norwegian Council for Africa (in Norwegian). The article introduces main political developments...
Ingrid Samset (2000)
in Fellesrådets Afrikaårbok 2000-2001. Oslo: Solidaritet Forlag pp. 282-285
Report in External Series | 2010
UN peacekeeping in the Congo: When is the job done?
On 28 May 2010, the United Nations Security Council made a critical decision on the future of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Monuc) – the...
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Centre (Noref Policy Brief no. 6, June) 7 p.
Report in External Series | 2009
Natural resource wealth, conflict, and peacebuilding
What connections exist between natural resource wealth and violent conflict? What do such connections imply for policies to build peace in resource-rich areas? This synthesis takes stock of what social...
Ingrid Samset (2009)
New York: Program on States and Security, Graduate Center, City University of New York (Synthesis Series) 11 p.
Report in External Series | 2008
Economic Incentives for Peacebuilding
What does social science literature tell us about economic incentives for peacebuilding? A variety of such incentives exists in post-civil war situations. This synthesis reviews research on incentives that relate...
Ingrid Samset (2008)
Program on States and Security, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Report in External Series | 2007
Maintaining the Process? Aid to Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Guatemala, 1995-2005
This report assesses the aid that was given in support of transitional justice processes in Rwanda and Guatemala between 1995 and 2005. The analysis is based on statistical data from...
Ingrid Samset, Stina S. Petersen, Vibeke Wang (2007)
Bonn: Working Group on Development and Peace (FriEnt) 42 p.
Commissioned Report | 2005
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts
Elling N. Tjønneland and Ingrid Samset (2005)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute 52 p. (Restricted. Not available for distribution)
Report in External Series | 2005
Evaluation of the Released Prisoners' Project in Rwanda
This is an evaluation of the Released Prisoners' Project (RPP) in Rwanda, a project that was financed and facilitated by the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA).
The project aimed to help persons...
Ingrid Samset and Anne N. Kubai (2005)
Oslo: Norwegian Church Aid 93 p.
Report in External Series | 2004
Life and Peace Institute's projects in Somalia and the DRC
This report is an evaluation of the conflict transformation programmes of Life and Peace Institute in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Somalia. Both programmes are implemented in contexts...
Gordon Tamm, Michael Schulz, Ingrid Samset and Malin Nystrand (2004)
Stockholm: Sida, Department for Cooperation with NGOs and Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict Management (Sida Evaluation no. 04/36) 61 p.
Report in External Series | 2003
Rwanda: Presidential and Parliamentary Elections 2003
The report is a comprehensive account of the presidential and parliamentary elections that took place in Rwanda from August to October 2003, based on the authors' observation of the elections...
Ingrid Samset and Orrvar Dalby (2003)
Oslo: Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NORDEM Report no. 12/2003) 59 p.
CMI Report | 2006
Mid-term Review of the Angola Programme of Norwegian People's Aid
The purpose of this review is to assist Norwegian People's Aid in adapting its Angola programme to reach the objectives it has set for the period from 2004 to 2007....
Jan Isaksen, Ingrid Samset and Fernando Pacheco (2006)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2006: 1) 101 p.
CMI Report | 2006
Socio-economic Effects of Gold Mining in Mali. A Study of the Sadiola and Morila Mining Operations
In the last decade Mali has experienced a gold boom. Today Mali is Africa's third largest producer of gold and has one of the world's most gold-dependent economies. This study...
Eyolf Jul-Larsen, Bréhima Kassibo, Siri Lange and Ingrid Samset (2006)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2006: 4) 71 p.
CMI Report | 2006
Evaluation of the UNDP/UNOPS Peacebuilding and Community Development Project in Ituri, the Democratic Republic of Congo
Building peace through community development was the key idea of the evaluated project in the war-torn Ituri district of the DRC from 2003 onwards. The planning of the project did...
Ingrid Samset and Yvon Madore (2006)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2006: 20) 86 p.
CMI Report | 2004
Aid to judicial reform: Norwegian and international experiences
Creating a viable judiciary and strengthening its democratic functions has been a main concern of both governments and donors over the last two decades. This report charts the efforts to...
Elin Skaar, Ingrid Samset and Siri Gloppen (2004)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2004: 12) 104 p.
CMI Report | 2003
Community-Driven Development in Contexts of Conflict
Violent conflict represents a significant barrier to development. While Community Driven Development (CDD) programmes have been effective in establishing or expanding essential social services and physical infrastructure at the local...
Arne Strand, Hege Toje, Alf Morten Jerve and Ingrid Samset (2003)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute R 2003: 11 68 p.
CMI Brief | 2007
A Promising Experience: Building Peace through Community Development
Mainstream peacebuilding approaches tend to assume that a conflict settlement must be in place before the process of social and economic development can begin. Humanitarian rather than development aid is...
Ingrid Samset (2007)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 6 no. 3) 4 p.
Doctoral Thesis | 2013
Explaining Variation in Violence After Civil war: A Comparative Analysis of Angola (2002-2009) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (2003-2010)
Ingrid Samset (2013)
Dissertation for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD). Bergen: University of Bergen 496 p.
Master's Thesis | 2003
Natural Resources and the Duration of War. The Experiences of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1998-2003
Ingrid Samset (2003)
Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the Cand.Polit. Degree. Bergen: University of Bergen 164 p.
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2013
Stemmene fra Brasils gater
Det er en ny generasjon brasilianere som nå ytrer seg om hvordan landet skal styres. De krever å bli hørt. Landets ledere vil gjøre lurt i å lytte.
I Rio de...
Ingrid Samset (2013)
Bergens Tidende 3 July
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010
Utenriksanalysen: De nye verdensmestrene
Ideen om et globalt "Nord" og et annet "Sør" blir stadig mindre relevant.
Fotball-VM i Sør-Afrika handler om så mye. Ut over feiringen av et spill, et land og et kontinent,...
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Morgenbladet 2-8 July
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010
Utenriksanalyse: Militære blindveier til fred
Kongos regjering vil ha FN-styrken ut, og det kjapt. Det er ingen god idé. Men FN kan heller ikke fortsette som før.
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Morgenbladet 21-27 May
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010
Utenriksanalyse: Vestlig press styrker Bashir
Omverdenen taler med to tunger overfor Sudan, og gjør dermed valgseier mulig for landets ettersøkte president.
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Morgenbladet 16-22 April
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010
Utenriksanalyse: Til kamp mot seksuell vold i krig
Sterkere rettsvesen og en endret mannsrolle må til for å vinne kampen mot seksuell vold.
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Morgenbladet 5-11 March
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010
Utenriksanalyse: Fred-Demokrati 1-0
Mens verden så på afrikansk fotball, pågikk en intern maktkamp i Afrikamesterskapets vertsland Angola. Demokratiet tapte.
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Morgenbladet 5-11 February
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2010
Utenriksanalyse: Nynasjonalisme i Afrika
To begivenheter kommer til å prege Afrika i år: fotball-VM i Sør-Afrika, og markeringen av 50 års uavhengighet i flere tidligere kolonier.
Ingrid Samset (2010)
Morgenbladet 8-14 January
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2009
En overilt fredspris
Nobelkomiteens begrunnelse for å gi fredsprisen til Obama er tynn. Skulle man gi den til ham burde man ventet til Obamas ord blir omsatt til tydeligere resultater.
Holder det å ha...
Ingrid Samset (2009)
Bergens Tidende 16.10.09
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2009
Utenriksanalyse: Vår tids storkonflikt
Snart har Kongo-konflikten tatt livet av like mange som holocaust, men hvem bryr seg?
Ingrid Samset (2009)
Morgenbladet 4-10 September
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2009
Utenriksanalyse: De mørke fortidenes tid
Det tas oppgjør med fortiden over hele verden. Hvorfor nå?
Ingrid Samset (2009)
Morgenbladet 4-10 December
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2009
Utenriksanalyse: Global og lokal rettferdighet
Samtidig med rettssaken mot Moland og French pågår det en annen rettssak fra Kongo i Haag, Nederland.
Ingrid Samset (2009)
Morgenbladet 23-29 October
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007
Arven fra folkemordet
Det blir ikke varig fred i Kongo uten en kursendring i Rwanda.
Ingrid Samset (2007)
Bergens Tidende 01.11.07
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007
Tallmagi og bistand
I bistandspolitikken finner politikere og forskere nå sammen i en entusiasme for behagelige sannheter.12. oktober kommer økonomen Paul Collier til Oslo for å legge fram sin nye bok, «The Bottom...
Ingrid Samset og Astri Suhrke (2007)
Dagbladet 08.10.07
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007
Terroristjakt og fredsbygging
Skal Somalia få fred må ikke verdenssamfunnet gjenta feilene fra Afghanistan.
Ingrid Samset og Torunn Wimpelmann (2007)
Dagbladet 16.01.07
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007
Luksus fra verdens fattigste
Krigen fra den dagsaktuelle filmen "Blood Diamond" er over. Men er diamantene fra Sierra Leone nå blitt en kilde til fred?
Torunn Wimpelmann og Ingrid Samset (2007)
Bergens Tidende 28.01.07
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007
Er diamantene renvasket?
Til tross for Kimberley-prosessen kan diamanter fortsatt bidra til både borgerkriger og barnearbeid.
Ingrid Samset (2007)
Ny Tid 16.02.07
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2007
Myten om mørkets hjerte
Afrikas mørke handler ikke om Afrika. Mørkets hjerte handler ikke om Kongo. Det handler om oss.
Ingrid Samset (2007)
Dagbladet 30.03.07
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2006
Opprørere må sendes til Haag
Ugandas borgerkrig truer nå skjøre fredsprosesser i Sudan og Kongo. Om regionen skal få fred må de ettersøkte opprørslederne i Herrens motstandshær (LRA) sendes til Haag snarest for å bli...
Ingrid Samset (2006)
Aftenposten 06.07.06
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2004
En fredsprosess i stampe
Når Sri Lanka velger nytt parlament 2. april kan seieren gå til dem som vil ha øya fredet - for nordmenn. Men vil det gi dem fred?
Ingrid Samset (2004)
Dagbladet 28.02.04
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2003
Støtter Norge krigen i Kongo?
Mer enn 260 millioner norske bistandskroner går til Uganda hvert år. Denne summen utgjør langt mer enn hva Uganda har brukt på å okkupere nabolandet Kongo. Siden krigen der ble...
Ingrid Samset (2003)
Dagbladet 05.08.03
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2003
Rett skal være rett
Amerikanske og britiske jurister vil sørge for at Bush og Blair blir stilt til ansvar for eventuelle forbrytelser i Irak. Bakom lurer den internasjonale straffedomstolen.
Ingrid Samset (2003)
Dagbladet 26.03.03
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2002
Domstolen lar seg ikke stanse
En lov som åpner for invasjon av Nederland, er foreløpig siste tiltak i USAs kampanje mot Den internasjonale straffedomstolen.
Ingrid Samset (2002)
Dagbladet 17.08.02
Angola: Effects of 1992 elections
Jan 2008 - Dec 2010
Transitional Justice, Violence and Reconciliation
Jun 2007 - Jun 2010
Incentives for peaceful behaviour
Jan 2006 - May 2009
Violence in the post-conflict state
Aug 2006 - Dec 2008
Aid to transitional justice
Mar 2007 - Jul 2007
Evaluation of a UNDP peacebuilding and development project in the DRC
Mar 2006 - Jun 2006
Mid-term review of the programme of Norwegian People's Aid in Angola
Aug 2005 - Feb 2006
Evaluation of NCA's released prisoners' project in Rwanda
Feb 2005 - Jun 2005
The effects of post-war aid
Jan 2003 - Jun 2005
Aid to judicial reform
Aug 2003 - Feb 2005
Evaluation of the projects of Life and Peace Institute in Somalia and DRC
Feb 2004 - Sep 2004