Lovise Aalen
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Sudan-Norway Academic Cooperation (SNAC)

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Assisting Regional Universities in Sudan (ARUS)

Evaluation of Norwegian engagement in Somalia

Women in the developmental state: female employment and empowerment

ARUSS: Assisting regional universities in Sudan and South Sudan

Post--war power sharing
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Political scientist focusing on authoritarian politics in Africa, on youth's and women's political participation, ethnic politics, information suppression, and diasporas in Europe.
Lovise Aalen, research professor at CMI, has researched African politics for more than two decades (including several long term fieldworks), and has developed an extensive knowledge of the social, economic and political conditions of the wider Horn of Africa region, with an emphasis on Ethiopia and Sudan. Her work focuses on authoritarian politics, politics after war, decentralisation and federalism, youth's and women's political participation in autocratic settings, and diaspora politics. Her PhD dissertation explored the Ethiopian ethnic based federal system (published by Brill, 2011). For her post doc, (including a visiting fellowship at the African Studies Centre at the University of Oxford), she conducted research on the post war power sharing in Sudan and Ethiopia. In 2015, she received the prestigious Young Research Talent grant from the Research Council of Norway (RCN). She is currently leading one research project funded by the NORGLOBAL programme at the RCN ('Women in Transition', Ethiopia). From January 2024, she will be the scientific coordinator of the EU Horizon project 'ARM: The Long Arms of Auhoritarian States', focussing on information supression as a tool for authoritarian states' foreign policy and towards diasporas in Europe.