We study how development cooperation between countries and organizations is shaped and implemented. We have a proven track record in commissioned studies such as evaluations, policy studies and impact evaluations.
Completed projects

Evaluation of Norwegian engagement in Somalia

Evaluation of Norwegian engagement in South Sudan

Third Independent Review of the Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on REDD+

[CoAR: Strategy development ]

Reality Checks in Mozambique 2011-2016

Evaluation of the Norwegian Fredskorpset (FK Norway)

Risikoanalyse: Olje for Utvikling-programmet i Angola

Film Project "Maputo Emergente". Visualising an African Divided City

European Parliament study on costs of corruption in developing countries

Evaluation of Training for Peace in Africa

Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration's Systems & Practices

Review of Norwegian Band Federation and Field Band Foundation

Peacebuilding in Sudan: Micro- Macro Issues

Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative

Monitoring Mozambique's Poverty Reduction Strategy PARPA (2006-2013)

Nigeria: Norwegian Support of Good Governance

Synthesis Study of International Experiences with Support to Legislatures

Angolan infrastructure in a regional perspective

Joint Evaluation of Norwegian and Swedish Aid in Support of Child Rights

Bistandsarkitekturen sett nedenfra

Sida: Study on Support to Parliaments

Evaluation of Finnish Development Research 1998-2007

Evaluation of Norwegian Support to Protection of Cultural Heritage

Review of Southern African Defence and Security Management Programme

Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique (Sub-Project 1)

Review of the Norad Programme in Arts and Cultural Education (ACE)

Mobilising Development Aid for Southern Africa - study for SADC
From Development Aid to Humanitarian Assistance
Development aid aims to bring countries out of poverty. Humanitarian assistance focuses on saving lives following natural or man-made disasters. Recently, there has been a shift from state-led bilateral development support to a larger emphasis on developing a stronger private sector.
CMI has a long tradition of research and evaluation of different types of development assistance and humanitarian aid, the different actors involved, delivery and funding mechanisms. In particular, we have done research on gender differentiation, corruption in aid, funding modalities, the gap between humanitarian and development assistance, aid coordination, community involvement and the impact and sustainability of aid delivery.
Our research and evaluations aim to critically examine the short and long-term effect of development aid, and provide recommendations to ensure quality, effectiveness and impact of international aid delivery.