CEIC-CMI Angola Programme (phase 2)

Taxation and local democracy under the oil state

Poverty and entrepreneurship

Diversification of the Angolan economy

Angola: Political institutions and elections
The CEIC-CMI cooperation is currently in its third phase - click here to read more
The CEIC-CMI cooperation is a joint research programme to enhance knowledge and policy based research on Angola. Research focuses on the analysis of economic and political developments in Angola.
The main objective of the CMI-CEIC cooperation is joint research to enhance knowledge and policy based research on Angola. The programme is a direct cooperation between Angolan and Norwegian researchers.
Research focuses on the analysis of economic and political developments in Angola, especially concerned with the development of new tools and data on economic developments, as well as governance and democratization issues.
The CMI-CEIC Angola programme started up in 2008 and is currently on its second phase (2011-2014). What we want to achieve:
I) CEIC & CMI’s research activities and outputs on Angolan society, politics and economy have expanded research-based knowledge in Angola and Norway. The partner institutions have increased production of internationally recognised research.
II) Target groups and users access findings from research, find it relevant and useful, and is challenged to debate Angolan development policies (as well as Angolan-Norwegian relations).
III) The administrative and managerial capacities of CEIC have been strengthened sufficiently to fulfil its mission.