David Aled Williams

Principal Adviser (U4) and Senior Researcher (CMI)

Monica Kirya

U4 Deputy Director; Principal Adviser (U4)

Kirsty Cunningham

Senior Communications Adviser (U4)

Lisa Arnestad

Digital Communications Adviser (U4)

Daniela Cepeda Cuadrado

Senior Programme Adviser (U4)

Priscilla González Venegas

Senior Programme Coordinator (U4)

Saul Mullard

Senior Advisor (U4)

Rachael Tufft

Senior Learning Technology Adviser (U4)

Vibeke Wang

Research Director and Senior Researcher

Janne Sperrevik-Griffin

Online course and digital officer (U4)

The U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre is a permanent, donor-funded centre that promotes a better understanding of anti-corruption issues and approaches in international development.

Strategic goals 2021-2026

  1. Greater impact on the ground

    To respond to the challenging environments in many countries, and to ensure contextualised interventions, we will support our partners to achieve greater impact in countries where they run programmes by moving closer to local practice and challenges.

  2. A coherent, global approach to anti-corruption

    To respond to rising powers and competing agendas, we will work with our partners to develop a coherent, global approach to anti-corruption by being a leading convener and trusted knowledge-broker.

  3. Addressing the complexities of corruption

    To respond to the ever-increasing intricacy and transnational nature of corruption, we will equip our partners to address complex corruption issues by taking new perspectives.

  4. Pushing anti-corruption up the agenda

    To respond to the uncertainty practitioners face, we will ensure that anti-corruption remains a top priority in our partners’ home countries by strengthening the U4 partnership and demonstrating the need to make anti-corruption a top priority.

